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Price Information

Quotable Prices Are Sent By E-mail : E-mails will have some tailored content, regarding the request, full content is available after payment.

Quotes are in a three tiered design: Starter/ Intermediate / Advanced

Price For Enquires:

Per form: £1.99

Any enquiry that requires this website to be altered will be refunded.
Question payments are in advance and non-refundable, therefore think fairly of yourself and the question.

"Get that little extra...use your finger tips!"

Payment Information

PayPal Information:

E-mail payment address: mccmonkey@aol.com

PayPal name: iHolduk  

You may use ‘Friends & Family’ to make enquiry payments.


Quotable Payment Information:

Payments can be made using the following options:

Bank Transfer, Wire Transfer, or PayPal

*Bitcoin coming soon to iHold

Ways To Patron & Support iHold




'Friends & Family' (no fees) at mccmonkey@aol.com


ihold link: (https://patreon.com/iHold?) or use the Patreon button on the home page


iHold link: (https://gofund.me/c6c50db0) or use the QR Code below

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